​​20 West Emma Street, Rockford, Washington 99030

Town of Rockford

Shout out to Steve and Lousia Thompson who are a great addition to our community. They're very kind, smart and funny :) Glad you guys are here!

Many of you know of the hardships and challenges my husband and I have faced since late June with his critical illness. The Rockford community has been unbelievably supportive and many kindnesses have been shown over the past several months. So many, in fact, it would be impossible to name them all. But, a special thanks to Bill and Laurie Benson for their ongoing support with their time and loaning me their car to take care of business and visit Custer at the VA. Special thanks to my neighbors, Wendy Harper and Lois for keeping me going through the worst of it all. Also to Amanda, the new owner of the Harvest Moon, for hosting a special fund raiser for Custer and giving me a job and helping make it possible to get into a new home that is mold free. And to Brandon Marchand for making it possible for us to lease his house on Weaver Street, a safe place for Custer, and investing his energies to see that the home provides for Custer's needs with a wheelchair ramp and grip bars. There are many more acts of kindness that remain unnamed, but know that our hearts are full of gratitude for you all. We are so very blessed to be able to call Rockford HOME. Thank you! Helen M. Coe

Know someone who did something to make everyone's' day a little better? 

Do you have a question for Town Hall staff or Council?

Use the form below to email townclerk@rockfordwa.com directly.

Shout out to Clint, Dave, and Patrick for working far into the night to unclog the sewer last week!​

Tina Bishop has really went above and beyond to pull the holiday season together for our little town! She spend her own money to carry the cost up front, drove many times, to and from the Valley, to transport the Christmas decorations for our park. Tina is exactly what Rockford needs...DRIVE! THANK YOU TINA, you and your many helpers are awesome!!!

Kudos to Kristi and Heidi for whipping Town Hall into shape! You guys rock!