​​20 W Emma Street Rockford, Washington 99030

Town of Rockford

Planning Commission 

Gregg Tenner, Chair

Brandon Marchand, Vice Chair

Rachel Burgess, Secretary

Beth Bowen, Member

​Maren McIntire, Member

Town of Rockford Official Zoning Map:

Who is on the Planning Commission?

Your Planning Commissioners are a group of Rockford residents appointed by the Mayor and approved by Town Council. The Commission meets the Tuesday before the first Wednesday of the month.

The public is encouraged to attend.

​​​​What is the Planning Commission?

​The Planning Commission shall serve as the principal advisory board to the Town Council with responsibility for providing guidance and direction for land use policy. Duties of the commission shall include:

  1.   Providing recommendations to the Town Council for development and review of the comprehensive plan in compliance        with Chapter 36.70A RCW. This includes establishing procedures, providing for early and continuous public participation      in the development and amendment of the town's comprehensive land use plan and development regulations                       implementing the plan.
  2.   Periodically reviewing and recommending amendments to the zoning map and table of permitted uses.
  3.   Periodically reviewing and recommending amendments to the development regulations.
  4.   Other duties as assigned by the Town Council relating to subjects referred to in Chapter 35.63 RCW.